Many people are buying milk, as long as it is sweet strong feeling is pure milk, and in addition, the quality of a material of milk, conservation is very careless, these are the mistakes of the choose and buy milk.
Fragrance is good milk?
Now some milk taste on the market is very fragrant, experts say, the milk "instinctive" taste pure, fresh taste of milk is because manufacturers in milk added for food additives, meet the demand of consumer tastes, but it has nothing to do with milk nutritional value.
All kinds of milk quality is almost the same?
Experts think, different manufacturers in raw milk, processing technology advanced, there are differences, so milk products differences are also great. So should be chosen in the raw processing technology, have the advantage of the product of the enterprise.
Normal milk and milk as nutrition?
The expert points out, the normal milk is super high temperature sterilization method, namely 135 ℃ not less than 1 second high temperature instantaneous sterilization. This method in the killing in the milk harmful bacteria and at the same time, also destroyed in the milk nutrients. And the pap disinfection method of fresh milk is 72 degrees to 75 degrees in under the condition of the milk harmful microbes, and milk killed favorable to human body nutrition can preserved, so normal milk nutrient composition and fresh degree by not pap disinfection method of fresh milk.
Four strokes the choose and buy milk drinks safety
Drink milk and slowly become part of the modern life, in developed countries, early, late to drink the milk has is the norm. But because the modern artificial add management also existence of loopholes, milk food also appeared a few security incident, therefore, we buy milk in the food must be carefully identify.
Eye view
Wait to see whether the packing bag, NaiYe has bilge is uniform drying emulsion. If discover the bottle, and the lower layer is clear liquid in the quality in the bottle, explain precipitation milk has become acid, gone bad.
Stir bar with milk will agitate, observe whether NaiYe with red, deep yellow, are there any obvious don't dissolve impurities, whether is tacky or clots phenomenon, if have the above phenomenon, adding that milk starch and other substances.
The nose smells
Fresh milk should have high quality delicious frankincense taste, there should be a sour taste, smell, fish, an odor rancidity smell.
Fresh milk is the normal taste sweet, sour, by slightly salty and bitter taste and flavor of a mix one integrated mass, but should not be tasted sour, salty, bitter and astringency and peculiar smell.
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