Friday, September 9, 2011

Sesame paste practice

Estimates that everyone like sesame paste (some place called MaJiang), but now supermarket is really not the sesame sesame paste taste, some written, but the taste is sesame paste is peanut butter, because of always peanuts how much cheaper than sesame do not know to want to sell, so outside the sesame paste what put how many sesame only manufacturers know.
So our own at home how to make the pure sesame paste? I see the Internet a lot of people, a lot of it is very complex, and some are still incredibly want to shell, this is not make sesame sesame paste nutrition to sell at a discount greatly? Still have the sesame oil in a dozen powder, so the quantity of heat of sesame paste through immediately say, double damage more well of nutrition, still have a plenty of take sesame to puree the water move into paste, but not exquisite taste.

So I put these methods together, find a way is simple, and suitable for save, taste and very good practices, grand today recommend it.

Ingredients: black (white) sesame grape seed oil (or virgin olive oil, sesame oil) early

Seasoning: salt or sugar
First washing clean sesame seeds

1.In a pan fry sesame, a start at the start of the medium, and can be used to do, and then turn sesame fry, fry to small and medium-sized fire can use hand crush a sesame is about, eat a very sweet

2.Cooked sesame cool them down and in the blender
3.The sesame into powder
4.The beaten sesame powder put in a large part of again and continue to stir, and 5.adding suitable amount of grape seed oil or virgin olive oil, sesame oil or early play to fully mix oil and powder
6.The sesame paste in a container, for example, glass bottles, put in the refrigerator kept cool

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